Hi there. Welcome to the public platform of my split personality. You might want to read this, even tho it’s a bit boring.
Originally from Trill I moved to Sydney in 2001 and work there as a web producer. According to Wikipedia a web producer is a hybrid position that combines aspects of journalism, design and marketing – that sums it up I’d say, and I really love doing what I do. Before getting stuck in Australia I lived in the EU where I worked in international trade and pharma marketing, then web development and graphic design.
In 2014 I completed a Masters at UNSW (MScEnv), and a few tragic events later I joined an excellent gov team of energy efficiency specialists and environmental engineers as their Digital Strategist. I write some and read of lot about ethics and philosophy, applied linguistics and semantic code. I finance micro-lending projects on Kiva.org, and help folks who come here to settle in to their new home. So life is good, and I’m really glad and grateful for that.
Thanks for dropping in. Have a read around. If you want leave a note before you go…
Alright if that wasn’t enough here’s some more blurb… I’m a notorious walker who got raised near very high mountains, 2nd child of a government agent and a militant pacifist. Mum was the first guerrilla gardener I knew, she reigned her suburb from back in the 70ies. My dad is a naval mountaineer, and my brothers and I spent every free minute we could climbing some mountain peak… cycling there and back, as we did not have a car. And/or ski up and down the mountains. That part I miss the most.
I grew up in a flat in the middle of a city, I love urban nature and the outdoors. I’m a conservative hippie when it comes to consumer choices, and buy organic and as-local-as-possible for as long as I can think. I’m very glad that the world finally seems to be waking up, and we people begin to understand that we need to take our lives in our own hands. I am convinced the old saying is true: You have to be the change that you want to see in the world! Or in strayan: Get off your bum and do it.
Besides all the serious shit I do my thinking in Pantone and dream in HTML. I wish could apply a cascading style sheet to my every day of my life, and on top of all else I am a Trekkie, which makes me annoyingly positive and a believer of “everything’s possible you just need to regulate the warp drive” 🙂
is what I want the most 😉