Reason above all else

About Ayn Rand

While in high school, she determined that she was an atheist and that she valued reason above any other human virtue.

Ayn RandAyn called her philosophy “Objectivism”, describing its essence as “the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.” She considered Objectivism a systematic philosophy and laid out positions on metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy and aesthetics.

What an utterly inspiring woman.

Zur Farbenlehre

Good old Goethe – His Theory of Colours by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is a book about the poet’s views on the nature of colours and how these are perceived by humans. Published in 1810, it contains detailed descriptions of phenomena such as coloured shadows, refraction, and chromatic aberration.

Goethe_Farbenkreis_zur_Symbolisierung_des_menschlichen_Geistes-_und_Seelenlebens The Theory of Colours stands as an absorbing account of the philosophy and artistic experience of colour, bridging the intuitive and the visceral in a way that, more than two hundred years later, continues to intrigue.

On Wikipedia is more about it, a quite interesting read

Philipp Otto Runge was a Romantic German romantic painter and draughtsman. In 1803, on a visit to Weimar, Runge unexpectedly met Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and the two formed a friendship based on their common interests in color and art. Runge’s interest in color was the natural result of his work as a painter and of having an enquiring mind.

He arrived at the concept of the color sphere sometime in 1807 by expanding the hue circle into a sphere, with white and black forming the two opposing poles.RungeKugel

code is poetry

just stuffed up a database… hate when I do that… hate it.
have to ask my work mate whether he thinks it can be fixed… or he might just hear me swearing from the office next door and come over… he then -more often than not- knows how to fix it, but never without giving me an earful about how not to never do whatever it was that I did… I’m never looking forward to that…

imagine you just decorated an entire palace with precious ornament and pleasure and gold… took you forever…
on the way out you stumble over one cable and the entire hall falls over, leaving only rubble.

I would have to start from scratch and stick the rubble back together.

he, my work mate, he knows how to shuffle the cable back to where it was, and thereby pumps the entire room back up to its previous glory.

not keen on the earful…
but very ambivalent situation simply because I learn so much every single time it happens…

love it…
hate it…

code is poetry WP says…
life is too ,)

step out

we’re all talking about change, but still keep up appearances and customs.
we should instead start to step out of our ubiquitous ‘life matrix’.

if we are right, then there will be no sorrow. it will last for all of us. easy.
if we don’t get there, the current system will drag us through. we can decide for how long.

I am agnostic…

… and am not away with anyone, but this Golo speaks out thoughts that I am only thinking (to myself) … reckon he sounds so awkward because we aren’t familiar hearing those words… spoken… and unassociated, just lent to a concept.

anyway, if you manage to hang on long enough to hear through the tschermin voerschening, he is pretty spot on and far worth the watch πŸ˜‰

He was at our Uni yesterday and spoke quite excellently about renewable energies and the project his group is undertaking in India, inventing/building medium size P/V solar co-generation plants on a sustainable level of sophistication that can be replicated where they are required/fit… and the entire project is carried by thoughtfulness…
nice one πŸ™‚

Haphazard urbanisation

I live in allegedly one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But what is being built down here, outside from the big smoke of the CBD, is in many cases simply appalling. Why is that? What is wrong with the architects in Australia, the builders, designers and the government officials who let those eye-sores pop up on every street corner?!

The need for aesthetics is a default setting in the human psyche. Councils, mayors, decision makers – Do something! Build nicer!! Get rid of those horrible ugly clubs and pubs and community halls.

For a change apply taste, reason and common sense BEFORE the first shovel hits the ground. And maybe you even manage to actually visit the place that you intent to design/restructure/claim to take care of…

Save our sanity guys – build better public spaces!!!