gallery of random
Karl Valentin (1882-1948) was a Munich comedian, cabaret performer, clown, author and film producer. He had significant influence on German Weimar culture. Valentin starred in silent films in the 1920s, and was sometimes called the Charlie Chaplin of Germany.
@NeinQuarterly is just plain brülliant:
A subject and a verb walk into a bar. They have a disagreement. They walks out.
Ontology = what the fuck?
Epistemology = why the fuck?
Phenomenology = the fuck.
what the fuck? = Research question.
how the fuck? = Methodology.
those fucks = Literature review.
A gentle reminder that ö is the German emoticon used to express shock at your ignorance of dialectical materialism.
At Starbucks I order under the name Godot. Then leave.
yes or no = logic.
yes and no = dialectics.
yes and no and yes = love.
When I read Borges, I want to be Argentine. When I read Dante, I want to be Italian. When I read Kafka, I want to be Borges reading Dante.
Arranging my books by those I’ve not read, those I’ve lied to others about having read, and those I’ll lie to myself about some day reading.
In the future, papers will be graded with an LOL, LOL+, LOL-, or wtf.
When capitalism ends, every day will feel like Friday. Until Monday.
Why the fuck? = philosophy.
When the fuck? = history.
The fuck? = philosophy of history.
Look at me. = Instagram.
Look at my cats. = Facebook.
Look at my grammar. = Twitter.
If you’d like an answer, ask a question. If you’d like a question, ask a philosopher.
The German “also” does not mean “also.” It means: “Pay close attention, for I am about to berate you at length.”
Rainer the Red-Nosed Maria Rilke.
If you can’t remember if God is dead, you might have amnietzsche.
Sorry, paradigm: shift happens.
Deformation follows dysfunction.