Incredibly time has rushed to complete the first quarter already o_0 but much has happened too, and a lot of it was nice o/`

Incredibly time has rushed to complete the first quarter already o_0 but much has happened too, and a lot of it was nice o/`
Please help save the fantastic fig tree outside my house o/`
Add your support here ->
U beaut ;-*) #Sydneytown
About the land I live in now, and my fellow creatures… meet Chuck <3
Watch it. So worth the time.
Finally – a policy covering both humanity AND shareholders.
(and if you are not watching this you are being silly 😉 )
Senator Scott Ludlam welcomes Abbott to WA. The most ingenious brilliant speech ever. Epic. Intelligent. Senses nourishing.
1/2 million views in 3 days.
Earth Hour Sux : Evan Beaver at TEDxCanberra
Just came across this rather awesome energy nerd, Evan Beaver, and his TEDx talk in Canberra last year. His take on Earth Hour is that they need to evolve away from their over-simplistic message of ‘1 hour per year of energy saving is enough’ – and right he is, could not agree more.
Watch his talk here…
As an energy nerd, Evan Beaver spends a lot of time researching the best ways to reduce our energy use and save the planet. He argues that it is time for Earth Hour to die, and shares his real-world experiences in reducing energy consumption at both the city-wide and household level.
Find Evan at for more info on energy efficiency.
Last night I saw Dr David Suzuki‘s talk “Over the Horizon – next steps for sustainable cities and the world” at Sydney’s Angel Place Recital Hall. The talk was followed by a panel discussion with Dr Tim Flannery, Head of our brand-new, Clover Moore Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney, David Ritter from Greenpeace Australia, Anna Rose, Environmentalist, wife of Simon Sheikh and Author of “It’s Getting Hot in Here“, and Alex Wyatt from Climate Bridge.
Awe-inspiring. Wish we could vote them all in a new alternative government that supports (not blocks) us citizens with running a better, healthier, sustainable Australia…
His Holiness the Dalai Lama along with political and environmental leaders discussing “Universal Responsibility & the Global Environment” at the Environment Summit hosted by the Maitripa College in Portland, Oregon on May 11, 2013.
“My gut feeling is the big expansion of coal in India is not going to happen, and they are going to leapfrog into renewables.” – Tim Flannery
Taken from “Coal? It’s Over” by Mike Seccombe – A great read about Australia’s insane/reckless fixation on fossil fuels.
View the whole article here @ The Global Mail