Ejiri in the Suruga province
by Katsushika Hokusai
completion date c. 1832
Long term observe
I don’t believe in Astrology, or horoscopes. But what I thought the other day is that if China is one of the few cultures that went on for millennia without major interference or change, their long term observations have been closely colported and transcribed over generations and generations. So if they say that every 12th generation certain character traits in humans reappear, I actually consider that a possible proposition (not sure if true tho).
When I look at generations now, at grandma, mum, daughter, child, and see how certain personal qualities or peculiarities jump over one or two generations, I consider it possible that, if you made this real research and monitored long term data of psychological evaluations and references, you might get to the conclusion that very particular human traits reappear every 12th generation. Mind you I am not trying to make the case for snake oil sellers here, but question what the basis for this widely accepted and longstanding compartmentalising might be.
treat the robots
How should we treat robots? http://t.co/aLmjTtKQm3 (our new column from @realavivahr: Not Like Us) pic.twitter.com/bKBKoLimjq
— New Scientist (@newscientist) October 6, 2015
Beyond the horizon
Selfimage downunder
the German “you deserve better than me” is eerily at odds with the Aussie “I deserve better than you”
Munich 2015
Green tech and entrepreneurship
This Australian notion that green tech and entrepreneurship is a leftists idea will bring its economy down. It's the major flaw in #auspol.
— iris herself (@irisherself) August 29, 2015
The austerity delusion
Excellent Guardian article by Paul Krugman
May 2010, as Britain headed into its last general election, elites all across the western world were gripped by austerity fever, a strange malady that combined extravagant fear with blithe optimism. Every country running significant budget deficits – as nearly all were in the aftermath of the financial crisis – was deemed at imminent risk of becoming another Greece unless it immediately began cutting spending and raising taxes. Concerns that imposing such austerity in already depressed economies would deepen their depression and delay recovery were airily dismissed; fiscal probity, we were assured, would inspire business-boosting confidence, and all would be well.
People holding these beliefs came to be widely known in economic circles as “austerians” – a term coined by the economist Rob Parenteau – and for a while the austerian ideology swept all before it.
Continue reading “The austerity delusion”
12 habits of ultra successful people
12 Habits That Set Ultra Successful People Apart
A study at Strayer University found that most people think success is about achieving your personal goals.
Continue reading “12 habits of ultra successful people”
On the fallacy of proud
exactly that:
DE: Stolz auf die Herkunft sein, OBWOHL man dafür nix kann, aber die Vergangenheit der Herkunft vergessen wollen, WEIL man nichts dafür nix kann.
EN: Proud on the heritage EVEN THOUGH not done anything about it, but want to forget the past BECAUSE have not done it.
Us and them
What defines a generation?
What defines a generation? Born in the same time bracket? But what if your parents got you really young, but your friend’s parents got their kids late? So you & your mate might be 15 years apart, but you were both raised by people from the same generation/same time bracket/same historic background…so you are both confronted with same influences, but have different timelines and subliminal hums in your background…
So, what makes the fine grain? There are generations between generations, and types between categories, yet where does natural empathy and true understanding end?
Jobs of tomorrow
Preparing for the jobs of tomorrow
Apr 25, 2014 - LinkedIn article by James Arvanitakis Professor of Social & Cultural Analysis· University of Western Sydney
It is obvious that the Australian economy is facing a number of adjustments. The closure of Ford and Holden, as well as the recent announcement of Qantas, highlights that the opportunities that once existed, no longer exist.
Continue reading “Jobs of tomorrow”

Blue skin
Lack of global governance
The biggest development challenges for the future stem not from lack of global finance but lack of global governance http://t.co/yom2PHVxNP
— Ilona Kickbusch (@IlonaKickbusch) May 1, 2015
Right & Wrong
I don't know right from wrong. Right & Wrong don't know either. They's sitting either side of me. Three of us. Waiting. Right. Uh? Wrong.
— Kipplewitz (@kipster003) April 17, 2015
Happy Capstern
Reason above all else
About Ayn Rand
While in high school, she determined that she was an atheist and that she valued reason above any other human virtue.
Ayn called her philosophy “Objectivism”, describing its essence as “the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.” She considered Objectivism a systematic philosophy and laid out positions on metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy and aesthetics.
What an utterly inspiring woman.