The fluoro-vest economy

Found this article about Australia’s ‘fluoro-vest economy’ in the smh – and just couldn’t agree more:

It’s boom time in Australia and if you’re in the fluoro-vest economy, you’re so loaded you can commute to your second home in Bali. For the rest of the country, however, it’s getting a tad difficult to just, you know, live. Continue reading “The fluoro-vest economy”

Job interviews…

… and why I suck at them.

All that is happening around us, the digitalisation of our world and the ever-connectedness that comes with it, to me this is all just one awe-inspiring invigorating exhilarating over the moon great huge adventure, with software sprouting everywhere to be consumed brainfinger-lickingly, with layers going down deeper and deeper by the byte, all that just absolutely blows my mind, every single day, again and again. What’s ahead of us, the breadth of the tech horizon of which we’ve only just seen a fraction so far (its maybe 5:45am on a winter morning), is just so gobsmackingly fabulous and exiting and inspiring right down to the tiniest braincell (and heart.bit), it’s the best reason to get out of bed every morning to see where we’ve gotten to today. At least that’s what I think and feel about the whole thing.

But – when at a job interview I find it simply impossible to even begin to give a proper answer to questions like “where do you see personal enhancement opportunities” or “can you describe a situation past with communication gone wrong” or “would you see yourself rather-than-as?”
Continue reading “Job interviews…”

Haphazard urbanisation

I live in allegedly one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But what is being built down here, outside from the big smoke of the CBD, is in many cases simply appalling. Why is that? What is wrong with the architects in Australia, the builders, designers and the government officials who let those eye-sores pop up on every street corner?!

The need for aesthetics is a default setting in the human psyche. Councils, mayors, decision makers – Do something! Build nicer!! Get rid of those horrible ugly clubs and pubs and community halls.

For a change apply taste, reason and common sense BEFORE the first shovel hits the ground. And maybe you even manage to actually visit the place that you intent to design/restructure/claim to take care of…

Save our sanity guys – build better public spaces!!!

Cheat right back

The dilemma: I am incapable of cheating. Whenever I try I get sick and depressed.
On the other hand: Experience and intelligence tell me that we all are being tricked on a daily basis, on a massive scale.

So what to do? Simply put up with it, and see the cheaters get it all their way? Develop a handy OCD as a coping mechanism? Or fight the inner demons and cheat right back at them?

if anyone knows, please fill me in…