step out

we’re all talking about change, but still keep up appearances and customs.
we should instead start to step out of our ubiquitous ‘life matrix’.

if we are right, then there will be no sorrow. it will last for all of us. easy.
if we don’t get there, the current system will drag us through. we can decide for how long.

I am agnostic…

… and am not away with anyone, but this Golo speaks out thoughts that I am only thinking (to myself) … reckon he sounds so awkward because we aren’t familiar hearing those words… spoken… and unassociated, just lent to a concept.

anyway, if you manage to hang on long enough to hear through the tschermin voerschening, he is pretty spot on and far worth the watch 😉

He was at our Uni yesterday and spoke quite excellently about renewable energies and the project his group is undertaking in India, inventing/building medium size P/V solar co-generation plants on a sustainable level of sophistication that can be replicated where they are required/fit… and the entire project is carried by thoughtfulness…
nice one 🙂

David Suzuki – Over the Horizon

Last night I saw Dr David Suzuki‘s talk “Over the Horizon – next steps for sustainable cities and the world” at Sydney’s Angel Place Recital Hall. The talk was followed by a panel discussion with Dr Tim Flannery, Head of our brand-new, Clover Moore Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney, David Ritter from Greenpeace Australia, Anna Rose, Environmentalist, wife of Simon Sheikh and Author of “It’s Getting Hot in Here“, and Alex Wyatt from Climate Bridge.

Awe-inspiring. Wish we could vote them all in a new alternative government that supports (not blocks) us citizens with running a better, healthier, sustainable Australia…
