George Michael “As”
(feat. Mary J Blige)
(an ode to my best friends who just married each other)
(despite my best efforts to talk them out of it
Continue reading “Love”
George Michael “As”
(feat. Mary J Blige)
(an ode to my best friends who just married each other)
(despite my best efforts to talk them out of it
Continue reading “Love”
Down here it seems more important how you look, and everybody else looks, and how the whole day looked in the end, than whether work talks were fruitful, constructive, and/or led to a decision. The term ‘outcomes’ is used a lot, but in the end for no one really a priority. Which -imho- is the reason why so many things in Australia get stifled, don’t work out, or fall over. And everybody wants to complain in the end and throw in their “I always knew it”, but nobody wants to be woken up from their comfy slumber on the way there.
Complacency is such a bitch.
[from: the daily stirrer – observations on the job]
Just can’t stop laughing about how much the truth hurts‘s Critique of Romanticism
A few snippets:
Instilled emotions propel us into Romanticism.
Romanticism tells us we’re quite good and pure and perfect, very optimistic, we’re all like children.
This attitude makes you self-righteous.
Bluntly: affected thru childhood and adulthood, we are all demented in slightly different ways. we’re all just holding it together somehow (13:00)
No one can be bothered to tell you your obvious craziness which they know about after 30 mins of meeting you, unlike you who still doesn’t know after 40 years.
And yes spot on about instincts. Cos while once healthy, they’re now totally screwed, and off cue!
The cult of the instinct – we’re looking for forms of torture
Relationships – not about love, but about honesty!
Love is about admiration of what is good and accomplished in another person.
(53:00) But also about being pupil and teacher at the same time, pointing out stuff that sucks about the other so they get a chance to become the best possible version of themselves.
Love is connecting up with teaching. But you have to be relaxed, jovial, slightly lighthearted.
Melancholy is sadness worn with dignity. Sometimes you have to call on that emotion too.
My personal mantra echoed: Life is all about forgiveness. And so is love just use your ethical imagination (not your ego).
Be a loveable idiot, and learn to love another idiot.
my little hashtag herd
all born and fed on this paddock
these ones I took in for care:
at the base of every calculation and algorithm is still us. let’s just see for how much longer. #wearedatabase
— iris herself (@irisherself) November 21, 2015
I grew up in a society where love for other people, gender-unspecific, was accepted, even desirable. Strong bonds between adults were simply tolerated, allowed, and sought after.
I now live in a culture where such strong bonds are only allowed between family members, more or less extended. That makes for a totally different life. It creates a closed-circle thinking, and the opposite of a free and open community, where members would be allowed to share emotions across conceptual ties.
I miss having the chance to explore freely other thought worlds, ideas, cultures. I feel a bit robbed actually.
at the base of every calculation and algorithm is still us. let's just see for how much longer. #wearedatabase
— iris herself (@irisherself) November 21, 2015
study that
in both languages
history written backwards
when the felt threshold is reached
what happened before that
the German “you deserve better than me” is eerily at odds with the Aussie “I deserve better than you”
What defines a generation? Born in the same time bracket? But what if your parents got you really young, but your friend’s parents got their kids late? So you & your mate might be 15 years apart, but you were both raised by people from the same generation/same time bracket/same historic background…so you are both confronted with same influences, but have different timelines and subliminal hums in your background…
So, what makes the fine grain? There are generations between generations, and types between categories, yet where does natural empathy and true understanding end?
I don't know right from wrong. Right & Wrong don't know either. They's sitting either side of me. Three of us. Waiting. Right. Uh? Wrong.
— Kipplewitz (@kipster003) April 17, 2015
just stuffed up a database… hate when I do that… hate it.
have to ask my work mate whether he thinks it can be fixed… or he might just hear me swearing from the office next door and come over… he then -more often than not- knows how to fix it, but never without giving me an earful about how not to never do whatever it was that I did… I’m never looking forward to that…
imagine you just decorated an entire palace with precious ornament and pleasure and gold… took you forever…
on the way out you stumble over one cable and the entire hall falls over, leaving only rubble.
I would have to start from scratch and stick the rubble back together.
he, my work mate, he knows how to shuffle the cable back to where it was, and thereby pumps the entire room back up to its previous glory.
not keen on the earful…
but very ambivalent situation simply because I learn so much every single time it happens…
love it…
hate it…
code is poetry WP says…
life is too ,)
Art is individualism, and individualism is a disturbing and disintegrating force. There lies its immense value. For what it seeks is to disturb monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine.
Oscar Wilde “The Soul of Man under Socialism”
I can’t improvise.
I can only know.
I can only improvise where no-one else knows.
(if you know what I mean…)
… and why I suck at them.
All that is happening around us, the digitalisation of our world and the ever-connectedness that comes with it, to me this is all just one awe-inspiring invigorating exhilarating over the moon great huge adventure, with software sprouting everywhere to be consumed brainfinger-lickingly, with layers going down deeper and deeper by the byte, all that just absolutely blows my mind, every single day, again and again. What’s ahead of us, the breadth of the tech horizon of which we’ve only just seen a fraction so far (its maybe 5:45am on a winter morning), is just so gobsmackingly fabulous and exiting and inspiring right down to the tiniest braincell (and heart.bit), it’s the best reason to get out of bed every morning to see where we’ve gotten to today. At least that’s what I think and feel about the whole thing.
But – when at a job interview I find it simply impossible to even begin to give a proper answer to questions like “where do you see personal enhancement opportunities” or “can you describe a situation past with communication gone wrong” or “would you see yourself rather-than-as?”
Continue reading “Job interviews…”
Migration – the birds do it, we do it.
One day, about a decade ago, I found myself living on a different continent. It just happened somehow. My brains could hardly keep up with the pace things developed around me, and my poor little soul didn’t even try and simply disappeared in a little black box, not to be seen again for quite a while.
Now it’s ok. But the transition was awful. Had I known back then how hard migration and displacement can be to one’s self, I would have approached it with much more caution, and been far more considerate. But then again, I also might have never dared to jump…
So, if any of you out there are thinking about moving around the planet, make sure you take good care of your hearts and minds on the way… as they have great worthiness too, not only your upcoming salary package, or the size of your new house.
Becoming an expat is a one-way-only momentum. There is no coming back from that experience.